About the dangers of a long stay in front of TV screens and computer monitors written quite a lot. The need to observe basic rules the use of these electronic devices, allowing to reduce the impact on the human body, also has been said and written many times. Is it possible to convert, say, a TV in the devices that produce useful negative air ions like the famous "Chizhevsky"? Author published material is a major specialist in the field of television, it is about this and talking. He suggested to change the way of feeding of the tube, which when this turns into a generator of negative ions. At his suggestion already received a priority reference for the invention.
Widespread color TV and, especially, computer generated a new area of technology, which aims to combat all kinds of harmful radiation screens of the kinescopes. There was, for example, expensive filters and other accessories for the computer monitors. However, objective measurement show that any significant electromagnetic radiation from the screen a color kinescope't register because his mask performs the functions a screening device.
The causes of the harmful effects of the monitor and the TV to their users completely different. First of all, it is the usual eyestrain. If, for example, long hours, and even up close to peer at small parts of the image on the computer screen, deteriorating vision, progresses myopia and possible even intraocular hemorrhage.
Extremely unlucky and the principle of construction of existing monitors and televisions, in which terminals the high voltage source is connected to the cathode node of the kinescope and the common wire of the device, and plug the output to the second anode and isolated from the case. The high potential at the anode of the tube creates induced the charge on the surface of his windshield. Flying in ambient air, dust, and along with it bacteria and microscopic fungi are attracted to the screen of a CRT (so it is often necessary to RUB). Part dust, moving the screen intercepts the user, inhaling her that causes the development of asthma and other pulmonary diseases. External connected to the common wire only increases the screen the potential gradient near the windshield and the suction of dust increases.
High potential gradient exists inside the TV or monitor. Under its influence, the air molecules are ionized. Negative ions are attracted to the anode of the picture tube and neutralized, and the positive - out of casing and slowly fill the room. The harmful effects of positive ions on the human body and beneficial revealed some negative A. L. Chizhevsky. Therefore, a TV and a computer monitor are powerful sources of harmful ions.
These drawbacks can be eliminated in a relatively straightforward manner. Main the novelty of the proposal lies in the fact that the high voltage source voltage to GND not connect negative terminal, and advantages. Connecting the second anode of the picture tube to a common wire eliminates the appearance of the induced charge on the windshield, and therefore, eliminates and sucking dust. High negative potential on the cathode node neutralizes attracted to positive ions. Negative ions, on the contrary, start from it and out of the hole of the body into the room.
Consequently, the TV or the computer monitor becomes a generator of negative ions. The resulting flow ensures the saturation of the air in the room with negative ions and absorption of positive ions, including those that create other home appliance.
The practical implementation of this environmentally friendly videoproiettore the device is relatively simple. For this remake flyback transformer, and the video amplifiers located on the CRT Board and under high a negative voltage is connected to videotrace TV or monitor computer through the isolation device, for example, optoelectronic nodes with flexible light guides. The focus voltage of the picture tube, and a voltage for power video amplifiers receive the usual way, i.e. by rectifying the pulses line scan.
Author: B. Khokhlov, Moscow