Performance self-made or industrial condenser (thyristor) ignition systems, it is advisable to check before installing on the car.
Diagram of a device for the control of such ignition systems developed by L. Kuzmin, indicated in the figure. The device comprises a symmetrical multivibrator transistors V2 and V4. and the electronic key on the transistor V5. Using the described device simulates the work of a distributor, who for four-cylinder engine when the rotational speed of the crankshaft 6000 rpm performs the interruption of current in the primary winding of an ignition coil with a frequency of 200 Hz. Therefore, when specified on the circuit component values of the multivibrator, the oscillation frequency is approximately 200 Hz. This frequency can be lowered to 100 Hz by connecting with the switch S1 of additional capacitors C2 and C4. With the help of an electronic key is Limited by the operation of the breaker contacts. The collector of transistor V5 is connected to the circuit of the start of the thyristor in the ignition system.
As the spark gap is convenient to use a standard spark plug. Outdoor candle in the conditions remain intrinsically education are the same as in the engine, if the gap between the electrodes to increase about two times. Therefore, before checking electronic ignition system the gap between the electrodes should be increased to about 1.2 mm. Connect your device to test the ignition system and to the power source (the battery) is produced with the help of five clips. The performance test of the ignition system is controlled by the presence of a spark in the gap of a spark gap F1, its intensity, shape and size of the current flowing through the spark gap. The size and shape of the current must be monitored with an oscilloscope (Cl-19 Cl-49, C1-83, etc.).
The amplitude of the current of the discharge circuit is determined based on the measured values of the amplitude of the voltage across the resistor, which include gap between F1 and bus supply - 12 V, and accounting for the resistance of a resistor (100...300 Ohm). Peak value of the discharge current can reach values of 80 mA. The current in the discharge circuit exists for the duration of the spark, which should reach a value of 300...500 µs. At smaller time steps sparks is hard to start cold engine, reduced combustion efficiency, which reduces engine power and increased emissions.
With increasing time steps sparks to 1.2...1.5 MS significantly reduced accuracy requirements install the required ignition timing (1...2 3...50), however, due to electroerosive of the spark plug electrode decreases their durability.
When working with a device for controlling electronic ignition systems, you must remember that PA high voltage output of the ignition coil voltage up to 20 kV. Therefore, the design of the device must ensure the safety of operating. The described device is suitable for the verification of electronic ignition systems with a supply voltage of 6 V.
Publication: N. Bolshakov,