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If you want to quickly produce indoor TV antenna that works in the meter wavelength range, it is convenient to use for this purpose coated fibreglass or plated hardened paper. A drawing of the antenna shown in the figure. Where there's no shading in the drawing, the portions of the foil should be removed. Remove the foil with a pair of pliers, preliminary having cut it with a sharp knife. If they use bilateral coated fibreglass, foil on one side you need to remove completely. The selected antenna configuration allows to align the frequency response of the antenna.

The feeder is made of two twisted together of strands stranded mounting wire mgshv of 0.35. You can apply wire and other sections.

The installation location of the antenna, as usual, determined empirically for best image quality.

Described antenna was checked by the editors on multiple TVs at different distances from the telecentre. The eighth and eleventh channels antenna showed good results. On the first and third channels of the image quality in some cases was unsatisfactory. Obviously, the antenna should be used as temporary areas, slightly remote from the telecentre.

Author: V. Ivanov, Rostov-on-don; Publication: N. Bolshakov,