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As described below, the design allows you to control the opening and closing of blinds with remote control. For this purpose, in cornices curtains with an electric motor.

(click to enlarge)

The structure is made on the ATMEGA328 microcontroller with Arduino BootLoader, driver, drive L293D (though I used L293B plus external diodes, because not find L293D), IR receiver TSOP1738, engine post. current from the old printer, etc. as the remote control I use the remote that came with TV tuner PixelView. The program provides the movement of the curtains from left to right, back and step by step movement. As endstops used a small magnet on the last hook and two reed switch, located on the ends of the cornice. The last hook moves along the string of the cornice, one side of which is the motor, and from the other roller.

The source code of the program written for the Arduino. To decode the remote control signals I used the library NECIRRcv.

Download the source code and additional photos (600 KB)
