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Professional drivers are well aware how important it is in an emergency stop identify yourself on the road, especially in the dark. After all, unnoticed an obstacle on the road very often leads to irreversible and tragic consequences.

In the road traffic regulations stipulate that, in case of an emergency stop the driver is obliged to issue the warning triangle at a distance of several metres from their car. But very often this sign blows a sudden gust of wind, or just do not notice it in bad weather or dark days.

In order properly to protect yourself, drivers should err and be used in conjunction with warning triangle flashing red light. Unlike mark, the lamp is very well visible at a distance of several hundred meters, and its visibility at night is only getting better. How to make like this the lantern of the most available and inexpensive parts, is described in this article.

Scheme flashing of the lamp consists of two transistors, one diode, two capacitors and three resistors. Resistors shall have a power dissipation not less of 0.125 watts. The elements specified in the diagram can be replaced with an equivalent. A distinctive feature of the scheme is its simplicity and the method of inclusion. The thing that, unlike common patterns of multivibrators, here used not parallel and series connection of the multivibrator with load, which is used as the automotive incandescent lamp 12 V.

The circuit operates as follows. When power starts the charge the capacitor C2 through the resistor R3. The transistor VT1 during the charge capacity C2 based on insufficient for opening, and it is closed, locking the transistor VT2. On as you charge the voltage on C2 reaches the threshold of unlocking VT1, last opens and opens your current transistor VT2. Through the lamp while current flows, it glows. Open VT2 transistor discharges the capacitor C2 the current control VT1. When the voltage on this capacitor below the threshold opening VT1 circuit comes in its original state, when both transistors closed. Then the process repeats.

To manufacture a flashing lantern on the basis of a conventional flashlight. To do this, the flashlight is replaced with a light bulb for car (12V), power more than 5 watts. The inner side of the protective glass lantern is painted in red color. You can use a paste of red ballpoint the handles. In the battery compartment instead of batteries collected is placed on the breadboard the circuit of the multivibrator. To fix the card, you can use a piece of porous rubber or foam rubber. The bulb and the Board are connected to insulated wires. The switch on the flashlight can not use because the red lamp will be be included instead of the cigarette lighter. To the assembled pattern podpisyvaetsya pair of wires with a length of about 3 m, at the end of which raspivaetsya connector for purchase cigarette lighter. The Central conclusion of this connector should be connected to the "+" scheme, and lateral springing conclusions - to the light bulb.

To use a flashing red light in the car it is possible, without making the light from the cabin, sending a stream of flashing light through the rear window of the car. Light this light will warn oncoming traffic about the obstacle on his path.

Author: O. Wallpa