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Bought something in the store seedlings (two Apple trees-secondary school). Roots were "naked" (without land), while took while going to jail... take Root? But planted them according to the rules of farming. One Apple tree soon became fed signs of life, the second is not.

Waited another two weeks. No movement of the kidneys. Decided to help the Apple tree the electrical stimulation.

Somewhere in the literature I read that on the top of the plant should be served negative potential. Brought to the garden plot, the regulated power supply and the multimeter. Thrust into the ground at the roots of the Apple tree metal pin with a length of 400 mm, combined it with the "+" of the power supply. The top of the tree connected to "-" of the power supply wire with alligator clips on the end.

Turned on the power unit and controlling the meter has been gradually raise the current but it is more than 3 μa is not increased. Thought Apple tree died! Put current between 2 and 3 mA. Most likely, the fluctuations were due to the influence of the multimeter. Spent session trees in intensive care for 4 hours.

The very next day the buds started to grow. Moreover, the bottom went additional sprig, which was not observed in the second tree.

To simplify the hardware "intensive care", I suggest to spend it all one battery voltage of 1.5 V. as the plant usually has great input impedance (250 ohms), it is easy to obtain a current of 2 μa with a simple resistive divider. In the whole circuit consumes a current of 50 μa, so one battery will last a long time.

I believe that second life session is not required. The main thing is to bring plants your membrane process (osmosis).

Author: A. Partin, Ekaterinburg