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The coverage is about 20% of electricity Especially many energy used for lighting in the winter. Therefore, the savings power of state-wide importance. Give a concrete example .

For the experiment, we acquired the bulb of Chinese production XEU22-11WE27 paying 9 10 zlotys (about 13 USD) If you believe the advertising on the lamp packaging consumes 70 mA (monosti W) and shines as the incandescent lamps 55 W. Thus, a miracle-the light bulb has 5 times more efficiency and also that resource is 8000 hrs, These lamps release the power 9 to 24 watts (45...120 watts conventional incandescent lamps with different bases.

First tests have shown that advertising is not lying lamp really effective. To further increase its effectiveness, we applied the localization of lighting: screw the bulb in a table lamp. Since the dimensions of the reflector was insufficient, replaced it with a homemade made of a large beer can (see figure).

When using the lamp in a pair of radio total current consumption does not exceeded the threshold of sensitivity of the Electromechanical counter, in what he "stood".

Amateurs can do these lights yourself buying only their details and the development of small industries (we are worse than the Chinese?) - and completely.

Authors: L. B. bihun, Y. I. Bearded, Ivano-Frankivsk region.