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I want to present to your attention one of their developments.

I must say that I never got around to watch bring to mind, but I want to do it. And then hang this the device on the wall :)

Why "Always with you"? Yes because the idea I stole. A very similar clock (firm Leitch) are essential in our hardware regional channel 5 TV and radio company "Petersburg"). And they type like this slogan "Always with you"...

Who cares: this watch is called UDC-5212, it is possible to download on their site,

My device is a little simpler and is not exact copy of laishevskogo.

Actually, the clip is all very clear. On indicators the displayed time digits, in addition, the time is displayed using LEDs with pinpoint accuracy. You will not believe, but neither plans nor circuit Board drawing in the manufacture of this design I don't developed. The drawing was done prams on Board - the first picture was gently scratched with an awl, and then outlined with marker.

Here are the photos (or scans, for it was scanned) both sides of the PCB:

And here is the scheme:

(click to enlarge)

In General, the device used two chips, 73 LEDs, two LEDs, transistors 14, 5 buttons, 1 quartz and some resistors and capacitors.

AT90s2313 - the microcontroller
CID - binary-decimal decoder (4-16)

The source text of a program controller attached: clock.asm. Take it, I'm not greedy. If someone would bring this device to mind - is not be greedy, share.
