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Man is a highly developed bio-energy system that can drain and refill your bio, share it between agencies and to allocate to the environment.

According to the laws of physics around a conductor an electromagnetic field is created. Similarly around human body is formed aura. It has ovate-shaped, blunt end which is located above the head, and sharp - at his hips. Hands here can be compared with the antenna of the radio station. They can receive and transmit signals.

Scientists have long set empirically by the fact that as in the nature of the cosmos and the nature of man (microcosm) are present in a field of eight types: passive gravitational, active gravitational, mineral, biological, electrical nature, bioplasmic, mental, and nuclear. In the field structure of a person contains all eight species, and in the body there are channels (meridians) that moves vital bioenergy. Yogis call it "prana", the Chinese "Chi", the Japanese "Ki". Unlike blood vessels and blood, biomeridian and bioenergy invisible. This energy passes through the organs associated with these meridians, and active points on the skin. All together they form a single circuit of the human body, providing its rhythmic work.

The proposed instrument is designed to measure and evaluate the electrical component of human energy. If all the way of the passage of energy is not experiencing delays, the body works normally. If some body is sick, the passage of energy is violated, the corresponding active point on the skin that reflects changes in its temperature, density, felt the tenderness. In addition, changes of the electrochemical potential, conductivity. The device registers the change.

In other words, a person is healthy, when normally function its most important vital organs. The density of the blood (electrolyte) and the movement of bio-energy through the channels is directly proportional to depend on the ability of a closed-loop servo system of the brain to maintain balance of the energy field with the state of the physical body.

All the meridians ("Yang" and "Yin"), as separate parts of a single electric circuit, of course, connected in some way interconnected. These connections, transitions from the meridians Yang in the meridians of Yin is located in the toes. The fingers are all the transitions from the meridians of Yin in the meridians "Jan" Through these contacts must go through the whole flow of energy. It is not surprising that Oriental medicine (reflexology) uses for treatment of internal organs active points in the fingers and toes of man.

Putting his hands to the plates of the described device, you will see readings associated with the magnitude of its energy. If you do some physical exercises or take deep breaths (breathing yoga), the amount of energy first increases, and after a while will return to its previous value. So, energy can be replenished through the air, food and water and by physical exercise. Healthy lifestyle it steadily increases.

Once a person becomes infected, decreased supply of oxygen, "prana", the metabolism, and bioenergy decreases. The device gives a lower reading.

In the device (Fig.1) applied high-sensitivity head M906 with the current total deviation of 100 μa. The electrochemical potential of the skin is determined by the plates of dissimilar metals. Here applied zinc (galvanized iron) and brass. The sizes of the plate - h mm, thickness - 0.5...1 mm. For improved contact with the palms on the plates, it is desirable to make the "spikes" (maternity cell of 1 cm2). The device does not require power sources, and this is also its advantage. Measuring the metal plates are connected to the device cords with clamps type "crocodile".


The order of work. Plate of the device must lie on a table or other non-metallic surface and to be connected according to Fig.1. The palms of the hands to press tightly against the plates (Fig.2), but not push, and hold it motionless for 3...5 s. At the same time as the palm and the plate must not be rigidly interconnected. The readings are the readings of your energy. During the test, the condition of the hands should be natural (not sweaty and not wet), otherwise the readings will be unstable.


If the readings at the limit "x1" "going wild", i.e. more than 100 units, switch the instrument to the limit "X3", (scale 300 units) and respectively readings multiply by three. Plates should be periodically wiped with alcohol or Cologne from a possible "clogging".

As shown by practice and study, the age of the person is matched to a certain number that characterizes the energy level, as shown in the table.


Units of bioenergy


80 85...


75 80...


70 75...


65 70...


60 65...






45 50...


40 45...


35 40...

60 and over

20 30...

Here 1µa conditionally accepted "unit" bioenergy of the person.

Bioenergy is reduced:

- for people leading a sedentary lifestyle;

- the elderly people;

- with fatigue;

- when drinking alcohol, Smoking;

- with a lack of sleep and rest.

Bioenergy increase:

- optimism;

- laughter and fun;

- open fire (fireplace, fire);

- fountain (waterfall);

- healthy lifestyle.

If the readings exceed the norm in 2...3 times higher, so you have reserves of health. Such indicators are observed in humans with extrasensory abilities.

This device is just an indicator that tells the condition and potential energy reserves of the body. There are more sophisticated devices that measure the bioenergy of the person in the complex with all the components of his bio.

In conclusion, we can say that man is a sentient biological energy storage.


1. V. Besedin. The health indicator. - Ham, 1992, N2, P. 31.
2. Misun Y. Space and health. - M.,1997.

Author: V. Raskov, Vitebsk; Publication: N. Bolshakov,