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In the joystick gaming video game console Sega has rarely required games, the "MODE" button. There are two non-standard variants of its use.

In the first applied the so-called "flashing" led. If you connect it as it is shown in Fig. 1, between not connected to the common wire of the contact buttons "START" and "MODE", pressing the latest led and an internal resistor chip joystick form a pulse generator with a repetition rate of approximately 2 Hz. It simulates multiple presses the "START" button that the vast majority of game programs will slow down the pace of development of events on the screen. HL1 led can be any color of the glow with a diameter of 3...5 mm. It should be borne in mind that flowing through it in this case, the current (about 0.1 mA) insufficient for visual observation of light flashes.

In the arcade games with dynamic change of subjects can be useful joystick modified according to the scheme shown in Fig. 2. The "MODE" button in this case simulate pressing buttons "A" and "C". If necessary 'activate' and other combinations, such as "X" and "Z", "A" and "B". Diodes VD1, VD2 - any low-power silicon or germanium.

Additional details come in any convenient place inside the body of the joystick and connect a thin insulated wires to printed circuit conductors of his charges. Two joysticks included consoles, advisable to modify only one, and the second to use in games where the "MODE" button should work on intended purpose.

Author: S. Ryumik