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Although the probe at an automobile light bulb today and primitive, but yet for the detection of a fault in the vehicle's electrical system, use it is they, due to the simplicity and accessibility. The bulb is there any motorist, you need to be soldered to two wires and the probe is ready. But this the probe also has disadvantages.

The proposed probe (Fig.1) has the following technical features:

  • automatic polarity (plus where shining one light);
  • the ability to determine the AC voltage (both lights are shining);
  • universality (12 and 24 In);
  • high survivability (if burned one light, the check can be completed other);
  • check relays, regulators and integral controllers.

The probe is easy to manufacture.

Good idea indicator disposable syringe S. Oak [1] was borrowed for the proposed probe (syringe 2) - Fig.2, where 1 - metal pin; 2 - disposable syringe; 3 - diodes; 4 - lamp; 5 - cropped piston; 6 - wire.

Elements HL1, VD1, VD2 placed in the same syringe and HL2, VD3, VD4 in another. Two parts of the probe are connected by one wire. Light bulb for samples taken from the illumination of the instrument panel of the vehicle. For determine where and what kind of light bulb inside the syringe is inserted colored plastic filters, they also serve as seals for the rear plugs. Filters you can cut from used plastic bottles of different colors.

Additional convenience is the clamp type “crocodile", adjusted for putting on both of the probe of the probe.

The proposed probe has been operated for more years and proved to be efficient.


  • Oak S. the Indicator of the phase conductor//glad I oamator electrician. - 2000. - No. 8. - P.8.
  • Author: S. M. Usenko, Chernihiv region