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The design of this device was published in the journal "Radio Television The electronic gadgets" (Bulgaria) 10,11 N for 1986.


Irradiator, representing a volumetric the resonator machined from metal. Its dimensions depend on the received frequency. Diodes (shown in red) - AAA (diameter 3.8 mm). Configure this by setting the maximum current through trimmer.

The location of the parabola and of the radiator

The diameter of the parabolic mirror is not critical (the more - the more sensitive). The mixer is installed in the focus of the parabola.

What is a "trap" from which it is made - I do not know.

Author: Nikolay Bolshakov

Design - triple-frequency Converter, made in a circular waveguide ( EXT. diameter 8mm. I have my doubts, perhaps he should be 18 mm.), the trap is a conventional irradiator for circular waveguide, its size will depend on the parameters of the primary mirror. To make the irradiator can be made of aluminum.

The options were basically as follows: the range of 10.7-11.3 GHz, the noise is less 7 dB ( i.e. mediocre). Frequency stability is probably too low, because the design of the local oscillator is designed to adjust the frequency by changing supply voltage UA. I wonder why the power circuit of the local oscillator is microammeter 100 µa , when the supply current reaches 300mA?

Judging by the year of publication of article (1986), this design appeared in the "dawn" of the development of satellite TV , and can not have very good characteristics. Its use can be it is advisable for experiments at microwave frequencies in the range 10 GHz.

Author: Svyatoslav Silakov, Publication: N. Bolshakov,